When do Japanese use “katakana”?


When you start learning Japanese, you will learn that katakana is used for foreign words or words that are imported from foreign languages. However Japanese people actually use katakana more often, even for words that kanji (Chinese characters) exist. I will write about when Japanese people use katakana.


1.     To emphasize words in sentences

In order to emphasize words, we can put quotes (「 」), however we can also write those words in katakana, so that readers will notice that those words are emphasized. 


2.     To make words cool and sophisticated

Instead of “工学”, “エンジニア” looks cooler and developed although these two words has the same meaning. “コンシェルジュ” looks a lot modern compare to “総合世話係”. This can be however depending on each person’s favor. Some people think Japanese words look cooler and more sophisticated. Younger Japanese tend to like katakana better.


3.     To adjust difficulty of sentences.

If there are too many kanji (Chinese characters) in sentences, it is very difficult to read and understand. Therefore, we tend to use more katakana to make readers want to read, and help them understand. 


Japanese people use katakana not only for foreign words but in many situations. Sometimes we use it without reasons. Compare to old times, more Japanese people use less kanji and more hiragana and katakana.

Bjoern Koslowski